Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I sit in stunned disbelief as the scope of the tragedy in Haiti begins to unfold.  It will be bad.  Some are estimating casualties in the thousands.

Last year I traveled to Haiti for a short but deeply moving mission trip. What I encountered were God's precious children already living in poverty.  For most, home is nothing more that a cargo pallet covered in cardboard and a tin roof.  Many of the people survive by selling used clothing delivered from the U.S.  Death for them, is an everyday occurrence, coming in the form of starvation and disease.

The earthquake is an obvious tragedy.  But what is just as tragic is that a place like Haiti can exist only a few hundred miles from one of the wealthiest countries on the planet.

I pray for the people of Haiti.  I received an update from a friend who is building an orphanage in Haiti who told me simply, "Haiti is broken."  My prayer is for us as well.  That our hearts may be broken open in generosity to our brothers and sisters during their darkest hours and we may share in abundance the blessings that have been poured out on us.

If you want more information on how you can help in Haiti, visit  www.mwts.org and click on the Mission Haiti button.  My fear is with all the death and destruction, they are going to need more orphanages and quickly.

Peace and blessings.

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