Friday, January 1, 2010


Greetings in Christ!  I hope and pray everyone is doing well!  It is exciting to enter into a new year.  I get to spend the next month making sure I date my checks correctly...

For the Youth Outreach Office, the new year marks the beginning of the home stretch.  We are six months away from the start of the conference season.  We have already been planning and praying for the 2010 conference season for over a year.  We picked the theme last year, worked on the logo - a special shout out to Mike Marshall who is our most excellent designer  - got the theme song written - thank you Ben Walther - and now we are putting the finishing touches on the talks.

I want to ask each of you to continue to lift us all in prayer.  At all times, we feel the enemy's attempts to distract, divide and thwart the work that God wants to do in us and through us.

Apart from God we can do nothing.  With God we can do anything.

Be assured of our prayer for you!


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