Monday, February 22, 2010


First off, for those who have been wondering what is going on with the blog, my apologies. A technical difficulty kept me from adding updates for the past month.  But I am back in business...

Why is Lent forty days long?  Why the number forty?  Here are some thoughts...

First, Jesus fasted for forty days.  We are His followers.  We should do as He did.  A Lenten fast is imitating the Master so that we might become more like Him.  It is an emptying of self that we would be filled with the very life of God.

Why forty days for Jesus?

Because in forty days, as the new Israel, He redeems the 40 years of unfaithful wandering done by the Iraelites in the desert.  He was tempted in the desert.  He was tested by Satan.  He remained faithful.  He succeeded where the the nation of Israel failed.  Israel, at times,  forgot, doubted, or rejected the word of God.  In contrast, Christ smacked down the devil with the word of God.

Moses led the people through the desert from slavery to freedom.  Pharaoh tried to prevent Moses from succeeding.  Jesus came to lead us from the bondage of sin and death into eternal life.  Satan confronted Jesus in order to thwart His mission.  We will be tempted by the devil to give our prayer and fasting in order to thwart the work of the Spirit in our lives. 

(Remember you too can smack down the devil with the word of God!!!)

One other thought to consider...

A woman carries her unborn baby for 40 weeks before she is ready to give birth.  Maybe we have a 40 days to prepare ourselves, to open the womb of our souls to the love of Jesus, in order that God's NEW LIFE might be formed in us.

Pray for the grace to persevere in prayer.  Do not give up your fast for in your detachment from worldly goods, your heart may will be more disposed to love and service of Christ.

May God bless you and your Lent.

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