Tuesday, December 15, 2009

God's Story Is Unfolding

What I love most about Christmas is it is a profound moment in the drama of God's story of salvation.  We are drawn into a story where God became man.  For thousands of years, a people waited anxiously for their redeemer.  Prophets foretold the coming of the triumphant King.  And yet, when the King comes, in an act of complete condescension and humility, He takes on flesh in the form of a baby.  What a mystery!  How beautiful!

In God's story of salvation, the Christ did not come to conquer worldly strife.  He came to conquer sin and death by paying the price for our sins and allowing us to share, once again, in the divine nature of God.  As St. Irenaeus said, "The Son of God became man so that man could be become God."  That is the gift of God to each of us and our great hope.

So flash-forward to today, over 2,000 years later.  Two centuries of tragedy and triumph, amazing saints and terrible sinners, and the Church persecuted from without and scandalized from within.  Do we believe that God is still authoring the story of salvation history?  Do we still believe that God wants to work in power and mystery to bring about salvation in the world?

In many ways, that is us up to us.  Christ has called us to be the light of the world.  The question we have to ask ourselves is this, "Is God a supporting character in the life-story that we are writing for ourselves or are we are allowing God to "rewrite" our lives and make us holy characters in His on-going drama of salvation?"

We cannot change the lives of the young people we serve unless we are allowing God to first change us.  Remember during this Advent season that God is the prefect author.  He wants to write an amazing chapter in the story of redemption with you as the major character.  May the Spirit make you an incarnation of Christ for this generation.

Peace and Blessings!

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