Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us

Christmas is an awesome time of year to reflect on Jesus, God's Word Made Flesh and Mary's role in our salvation.  I received an email today with this quote.  It says it all. 

“God so loved the world that He gave His Son. This was the first Eucharist: the gift of His Son, when He gave Him to Our Lady, establishing in her the first altar. Mary was, from that instant on, the only one who was able to confirm with complete sincerity, This is my body. She offered her body, her strength, her whole being, to form the body of Christ. It was on her that the power of the Holy Spirit rested and in her that the Word became flesh. Mary gave herself to Him completely because she had previously consecrated herself to Him . . .” – Blessed Theresa of Calcutta

Have a blessed Advent.  Peace.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

God's Story Is Unfolding

What I love most about Christmas is it is a profound moment in the drama of God's story of salvation.  We are drawn into a story where God became man.  For thousands of years, a people waited anxiously for their redeemer.  Prophets foretold the coming of the triumphant King.  And yet, when the King comes, in an act of complete condescension and humility, He takes on flesh in the form of a baby.  What a mystery!  How beautiful!

In God's story of salvation, the Christ did not come to conquer worldly strife.  He came to conquer sin and death by paying the price for our sins and allowing us to share, once again, in the divine nature of God.  As St. Irenaeus said, "The Son of God became man so that man could be become God."  That is the gift of God to each of us and our great hope.

So flash-forward to today, over 2,000 years later.  Two centuries of tragedy and triumph, amazing saints and terrible sinners, and the Church persecuted from without and scandalized from within.  Do we believe that God is still authoring the story of salvation history?  Do we still believe that God wants to work in power and mystery to bring about salvation in the world?

In many ways, that is us up to us.  Christ has called us to be the light of the world.  The question we have to ask ourselves is this, "Is God a supporting character in the life-story that we are writing for ourselves or are we are allowing God to "rewrite" our lives and make us holy characters in His on-going drama of salvation?"

We cannot change the lives of the young people we serve unless we are allowing God to first change us.  Remember during this Advent season that God is the prefect author.  He wants to write an amazing chapter in the story of redemption with you as the major character.  May the Spirit make you an incarnation of Christ for this generation.

Peace and Blessings!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Advent and Our Hunger for God

Peace and blessings!

As a way of preparing our hearts for the joy of Christmas, it is important to ask, "Are we hungry for God?" Do we truly desire God? My experience in ministry is sometimes we hunger more for what God can do through us than for God, Himself. If tomorrow God called you out of ministry, would you still find joy in just being with Jesus? Most of us would say, "Yes, of course!"

But we also need to look at our lives and say, "Is my answer to that question reflected in the decisions I make each day? Am I open to the Holy Spirit and His working in my life? Do I take time to pray each day? Am I striving for holiness? Am I doing it all for God or myself?"

Hunger for God is a gift. If we are constantly feeding on the world or even on our ministries to fill the emptiness within, we may never truly experience a deep hunger for God or ever be truly satisfied. During Advent, it is good for us to fast and pray. It is good for us to ask the Holy Spirit to help us clean out the junk of anxiety, ministry concerns, worldly desire, and self-love. In this self-emptying, we create more room for God to dwell and work in our lives.

I pray that each of us would hunger and strive for God more deeply this Advent. I pray the grace of the Holy Spirit would enable us to experience a deeper hunger for God. May God bless you, your family, and your ministry!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Welcome to the Franciscan Youth Outreach Youth Ministers Blog

Welcome! Thank you for checking out the Franciscan Youth Outreach (FYO from now on) blog for youth ministers, group leaders, and chaperones. This blog will contain articles, information, and resources to help you grow as a minister and help you prepare your teens for an amazing weekend of faith, music, and prayer. Check back often! Once again, welcome to the blog and thank you for all you do to serve Christ and His Church.