Monday, May 17, 2010

Christ, Our Great Redeemer

I am blogging today from Garmisch, Germany.  I am here at the invitation of the Military Christian Youth Ministry.  Franciscan University is partnering with MCYM to bring the LEAD program to both Catholic and Ecumenical high school students whose parents are serving in the Armed Forces.  This past week I have had the privilege of meeting and praying with the missionaries who are serving at the bases and planning for the LEAD program that will be held this August.  It is the first time a truly ecumenical venture like this has been attempted.

As I have worshipped and fellowshipped with the MCYM missionaries and leadership, I have a deeper appreciation of the universality of the Church and its mission.  Christ, our great Redeemer is at work in all areas of the world, within the Catholic Church and the catholic church.

The world needs Jesus, and not just to know about Him, or just know His story.  We need to know Jesus.  We need to know His redeeming power in our lives and let Him be the author of our lives as He writes a new chapter in the story of salvation.

I want to encourage each of you to continue to open your heart wide to the saving power of the gospel and the redeeming power of Jesus.  We are created for and called to God's greatness.  Surrender to that power.

Please pray for the success of the LEAD program in Germany this August.  Thank you.

Peace and blessings.